除了那些個劇烈騷動的陽具怪獸,呂東興的<媽媽我愛妳>系列卻呈現了呂東興不同於威猛恐龍的靜謐世界。這系列也包含巨大的作品 <膦神>(註2),這應是呂東興屬於自己的造神紀念,或許也來自於他曾經造塑佛像雕塑的經驗,很自然地便要造一個陽具之神,還圍繞著嬰靈好顯示這神的威武與震懾。另外葉子造型的<媽媽我愛妳>系列,用葉子表徵母親的子宮,而葉子上的陽具變體動物則是這些嬰靈們此生唯一見過的「動物」。(照呂東興的說法,那是嬰靈的父母在行房時唯一可見的生物,因為只見前頭不見尾,這陽具的下半身就只好各憑想像了)
註1:「不癲不戒」台語發音為「put tian put kai」,該詞由描述濟公的隨性風格而來,意為不三不四。
註2: 「膦神」音同台語<懶神>, 膦的正確寫法是「尸」裏加「鱗」去掉「鱗」字的魚(「鱗」去魚上方加尸)取自台華雙語辭典,但電腦無此字,以『膦』代之。
Put tian put kai “(1) – Tung-Hsing Lu’s exhibition {The dinosaur was caught spanking the monkey}
After ending the Art Taipei fair 2008 where just brought up an extensive topic about a giant sculpture, the Taiwanese artist Tung-Hsing Lu starts his first solo exhibition at JIN-ZHI GALLERY in September 7, 2008 and the exhibition will continue till Oct 26, 2008.
In the early work of Tung-Hsing Lu, he already used penis form for his sculpture vocabulary. In deed, the idea of penis form is derived from the use of language conversion. Lu usually speaks Taiwanese as his dialectic language, and Taiwanese language in general often take as a sexual organ to reference the name of the term. Lu deliberately uses this language reference which is defined as uncultured language in the society into his visual aspect. This is a challenge regarding elegant already has the definition in the Taiwan mainstream social class.
Therefore, work forever with artist’s character. Tung-Hsing Lu’s natural humor, optimism and enthusiasm for his work with a critical edge of obscurity, and yet people can not help but laugh read.
Apart from a severe disturbance of the penis dinosaur, Lu’s sculpture serious- “I Love you, mom” but represents Lu’s overwhelming power dinosaur is different from his inner quiet world as well as the work “Cocky king” (2). This should be made of Lu’s own commemoration of God, and perhaps he had made from the experience of making Buddha sculptures and quite naturally will have to create a penis God with also revolves the infant spirit to work demonstrated this god the military might and frightens. Besides, the sculpture serious “I love you, mom” is characterized the mother's womb by the form of leave, and the penis variations of these animals on the leaves are only seen "animal” by infants spirits. (As Lu said, the animal is the only obvious biology when the parents of infants spirits having sexual intercourse. Because it sees only ahead of the end of male genitals, for the rest of body can only be imagined with all.)
Note 1: “Put tian put kai” the Taiwanese pronunciation, this word is by describes Ji Gong to come along with the natural style. It means “Not insane does not abstain.”
Note 2: The work title “Cocky king” is original called “Lian Chin” in Taiwanese. “Lian” means penis, “Chin” means god.
After ending the Art Taipei fair 2008 where just brought up an extensive topic about a giant sculpture, the Taiwanese artist Tung-Hsing Lu starts his first solo exhibition at JIN-ZHI GALLERY in September 7, 2008 and the exhibition will continue till Oct 26, 2008.
In the early work of Tung-Hsing Lu, he already used penis form for his sculpture vocabulary. In deed, the idea of penis form is derived from the use of language conversion. Lu usually speaks Taiwanese as his dialectic language, and Taiwanese language in general often take as a sexual organ to reference the name of the term. Lu deliberately uses this language reference which is defined as uncultured language in the society into his visual aspect. This is a challenge regarding elegant already has the definition in the Taiwan mainstream social class.
Therefore, work forever with artist’s character. Tung-Hsing Lu’s natural humor, optimism and enthusiasm for his work with a critical edge of obscurity, and yet people can not help but laugh read.
Apart from a severe disturbance of the penis dinosaur, Lu’s sculpture serious- “I Love you, mom” but represents Lu’s overwhelming power dinosaur is different from his inner quiet world as well as the work “Cocky king” (2). This should be made of Lu’s own commemoration of God, and perhaps he had made from the experience of making Buddha sculptures and quite naturally will have to create a penis God with also revolves the infant spirit to work demonstrated this god the military might and frightens. Besides, the sculpture serious “I love you, mom” is characterized the mother's womb by the form of leave, and the penis variations of these animals on the leaves are only seen "animal” by infants spirits. (As Lu said, the animal is the only obvious biology when the parents of infants spirits having sexual intercourse. Because it sees only ahead of the end of male genitals, for the rest of body can only be imagined with all.)
Note 1: “Put tian put kai” the Taiwanese pronunciation, this word is by describes Ji Gong to come along with the natural style. It means “Not insane does not abstain.”
Note 2: The work title “Cocky king” is original called “Lian Chin” in Taiwanese. “Lian” means penis, “Chin” means god.