如今,資訊已為我們所熟悉的事物劃出一道清晰界線,這一道界線如「信我得永生」般地宣判一切… 可以選擇「逃逸」,並非等同畏縮不前或背道而馳,不過是為了在宣判的夾縫中得以暢快…
對我而言,偶然發生在我眼前的事情總是比一切計畫完美來得美妙… 某日傍晚,在臺灣雲林與嘉義交界的河堤外海,偶然瞧見一只漁網飄蕩於海面之上, 這只漁網劃破風平浪靜,隨風盪漾在半空之中許久,接著又沒入大海… 內心的悸動為這只漁網所牽動, 在幾次飄蕩及沉沒的過程後,最後不再復見蹤影, 最後面對一片寧靜的汪洋… 我才驚覺我應該試問剛剛飄蕩在半空的是為何物? 如此意味著這「是為何物」早已不以「漁網」現身在我眼前…
Nowadays, information has drawn a clear boundary for what we are originally familiar with. This boundary has certainly, as the saying “all who believe shall have eternal life”, pronounced everything to us… We can choose to “walk away”, but not showing flinch or even against the idea; we just simply want to delight ourselves beneath the “pronouncements”.
For me, an incidental scene is always more brilliant than what has been planned perfectly... Someday in the evening, I occasionally saw a piece of fishing net flowing above the sea outside of the boundary between Yunlin and Chiayi in Taiwan. This fishing net broke the peace, flowing in the air for a while, and then sank into the ocean. My heart was beating for the net as it was flowing up and down for many times until it gradually disappeared… I was left with a piece of silent sea in the end. At the moment, I was astonished and questioned myself what “That” was, which meant this “That” did not appear as a piece of fishing net in front of me anymore…
And “That” took me away from all the “pronouncements”…
After all, freedom is never more than that.
For me, an incidental scene is always more brilliant than what has been planned perfectly... Someday in the evening, I occasionally saw a piece of fishing net flowing above the sea outside of the boundary between Yunlin and Chiayi in Taiwan. This fishing net broke the peace, flowing in the air for a while, and then sank into the ocean. My heart was beating for the net as it was flowing up and down for many times until it gradually disappeared… I was left with a piece of silent sea in the end. At the moment, I was astonished and questioned myself what “That” was, which meant this “That” did not appear as a piece of fishing net in front of me anymore…
And “That” took me away from all the “pronouncements”…
After all, freedom is never more than that.